Our Story and Services

Ternion comes from the Latin word "ternio" meaning a triad. This word emphasizes how we organize our work advising individual investors and their families, institutional clients, and retirement plans.

For individual investors, the ternion is composed of the accumulation phase, the distribution phase, and legacy planning.

Our financial planning capabilities are organized to support each of these stages. Our role is to help our clients determine how to save and invest money while they are working. We help prepare them for the transition to retirement and the switch to drawing income from their investments. We also assist our clients to help ensure that their assets are positioned to support their heirs, beneficiaries, and any philanthropic goals they have after their passing.

For institutional investors, primarily non-profit organizations and associations, we work to ensure that the ternion of mission, finances, and investments are aligned.

We support our institutional clients with liquidity planning to ensure they their financial assets are available when needed. We help them organize reserve pools defined by the time gap between the receipt of funds and the expected timing of their expenditure. Of course, we provide everything needed to invest these funds in the intervening period, whether that period is expected to be months or decades.

We combine these two areas of focus with our work with retirement plans. For plans, the ternion is plan design, sponsor support, and participant education.

Our role on plan design is to work with trustees, administrators, and platforms to ensure that the plan has contemporary features and optimizes the plan for both sponsor and participant. We support the plan sponsors on an on-going basis by working with oversight committees to monitor plan activity and help ensure that the plan is achieving its goals. Participant education is a key element for the success of any plan. We provide support in this area in group and individual settings.

Our status as Morgan Stanley Senior Portfolio Managers provides us with access to the firm’s Consulting Group, which has been acknowledged an industry leader in investment manager research, selection and monitoring for more than 40 years. Our extensive due diligence efforts, combined with their manager research and selection capabilities, simplifies what can be a complex, time-consuming process.

* David Eubank, 34 years. Ted Berry, 23 years.
Investment Philosophy
  • We seek to avoid large short-term losses that could disrupt your strategy while seeking long-term returns that fund your requirements.
  • We have a contrarian streak which increases our level of caution when the herd is chasing market returns.
  • We also tend to look for opportunities when the herd is baling out of the market and scurrying for the safety of cash.
  • We strive to understand your liquidity needs in real time, so that you avoid selling at inopportune times.
Check the background of Our Firm and Investment Professionals on FINRA's BrokerCheck.*

Financial Planning for Individuals and Their Families

How do you measure the success of your investments? By whether they’re keeping pace with a market index? What happens when markets plummet? Are you able to remain consistent in your methods? Our investment structured approach is financial planning-based and informed by our experience working with not-for-profit organizations. Like you, these organizations have missions to fulfill, projected expenses and needs for liquidity and emergency reserves. That’s why our approach “buckets” your financial resources according to how you plan to use them someday. Specifically, our process involves:
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    Getting to Know You
    What do you hope to achieve and when do you hope to achieve it? How do you think about investments – are you aggressive in your approach or concerned about losing what you have? Our initial conversations help us understand who you are as a person, as well as an investor, and focus on both sides of your personal balance sheet and various aspects of your financial life.
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    Quantifying Your Goals
    Have you made an attempt to assign a value to your various objectives? Do you have any idea how much income you will have to generate to achieve your retirement aspirations? Have you thought about how you will pay for long term healthcare? What about your children’s college education or the legacy you hope to leave them someday? We work closely with you to develop realistic cost estimates for the goals most important to you
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    Assessing Your Resources
    How much have you saved for retirement and other objectives? How much income will you be able to generate from your assets and what other sources of income might be available to you in the future? Social Security? A pension? An inheritance? We help you quantify the resources from which you're hoping to fund your goals and determine whether you're on track to reaching them.
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    Identifying Gaps and Possible Strategies to Fill Them
    If there’s a gap between your expected resources and goals to which you aspire, how will you fill it? We develop a customized investment strategy for each of your goals that is based on the size of your gap, the timeframe in which you hope to fill it and, of course, your tolerance for risk. In addition, we help you determine whether you should consider lending and/or protection strategies to cover any potential shortfalls or emergency expenses.
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    Evaluating Your Progress
    Are you proceeding as anticipated toward the goals we identified or is an adjustment required? Have new priorities arisen as a result of changing circumstances in your life? We monitor your strategies to determine whether they’re still appropriate, given your current needs, as well as fluctuating financial markets.

Investment Consulting for Associations and Not-for-Profits

Have volatile markets and low interest rates left your organization wondering how to manage short-term cash needs, while maintaining a viable long-term investment strategy? How will you meet projected obligations, while building an adequate reserve?

Rebalancing does not protect against a loss in declining financial markets. There may be a potential tax implication with a rebalancing strategy. Investors should consult with their tax advisor before implementing such a strategy.
Our comprehensive consulting process encompasses the following steps:
  • Needs Analysis: Our approach to investment management is financial planning-based, so we review not only projected liabilities, but time horizons for your various asset pools, risk tolerance, potential cash inflows and required reserves.
  • Reviewing or Refining Your Investment Policy: We have helped many not-for-profits update their investment policy statements to better reflect their spending policies and design their portfolios accordingly. Your investment policy should establish risk and reward targets for various pools of assets and contain criteria for selecting and terminating investment management organizations.
  • Developing Your Asset Allocation: Your Investment Policy Statement should contain an asset allocation strategy that diversifies your portfolio across appropriate asset classes and investment categories. The asset allocation should also provide targets and guidelines for rebalancing. We work closely with Morgan Stanley’s Global Investment Committee to develop an allocation that considers prevailing markets, as well as risk tolerance.
  • Selecting Investment Management Organizations: Morgan Stanley’s Consulting Group researches hundreds of third-party managers annually to evaluate their risk-adjusted performance, consistency of style and organizational depth and stability, among other criteria. Only those who meet rigorous standards are deemed eligible for recommendation to our clients.
  • Monitoring Performance: We evaluate portfolio performance in relation to the risk and reward targets we established, as well as liability growth, inflation and other relevant benchmarks. You will receive a quarterly market commentary and performance report that highlights area of concern, including specific recommendations.
  • Reviewing and Rebalancing Your Portfolio: We review your portfolio and manager performance on an ongoing basis. When managers are found lacking, we may suggest replacements. When market conditions warrant, we may propose alternate strategies for you to consider. In addition, we rebalance your portfolio periodically to reflect the asset allocation we established.
We Can Help You
  • Balance your spending policy between preservation of assets for the future and funding of immediate objectives
  • Create an effective liquidity action plan
  • Review and refine your investment policy
  • Select and evaluate investment management organizations to help meet the criteria of your investment policy, while controlling costs
  • Understand changing government regulations and resulting sponsors' fiduciary obligations.

Values Based Investing

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What is important to you? How do you want these elements to be expressed in your investments?

Investors and oversight committees are increasingly inquiring whether they should employ Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors in their portfolios and reserve investments.

Applying these considerations to investment policies and portfolio construction is not new. Medical associations, for example, have long screened out alcohol and tobacco investments. ESG considerations can cover many topics.
Questions for Reflection and Discussion
• What is the goal of applying ESG factors?

• How do ESG factors align with your goals and values?

• Which factors are most important?

• How would these factors be implemented? Will specific industries and/or individual companies be avoided completed? Will direct ownership be disallowed while allowing indirect ownership?

• Will the factors be applied to the entire portfolio or a carve-out established?

The range of opinions among investors, family members and oversight committees can be wide on any investment topic. That can be especially true in an area as broad as whether or not to apply ESG factors. However, considering aligning your investments with your values can prove to be a beneficial exercise whether or not you fully adopt an ESG framework.

The returns on a portfolio consisting primarily of Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) aware investments may be lower or higher than a portfolio that is more diversified or where decisions are based solely on investment considerations. Because ESG criteria exclude some investments, investors may not be able to take advantage of the same opportunities or market trends as investors that do not use such criteria.
Visit Morgan Stanley's Investing with Impact Platform

Conversation Starters

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    Thinking About Financial Planning
    From The Ternion Planning Team -

    The name of our team has its roots in the Greek word "ternio", meaning a group of three. For us, this word applies to three phases involved in the lifetime financial planning cycle. These three phases are: accumulation, distribution, and legacy.
    Thinking About Financial Planning
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    ESG: Not Just For Tree Huggers
    From The Ternion Planning Team -

    Rather than viewing environmental, social and governance investing (ESG) factors through a political lens, these factors can be related to potential financial risk harming the earnings of companies.

    The sections contained will discuss how these factors can have measurable impact on a company's bottom line.
    ESG: Not Just For Tree Huggers
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    Creating a Liquidity Action Plan
    The financial crisis of the mid 2000s taught us the disadvantages of not having adequate liquidity options. Equity market can be volatility has increased recently and interest rate policy can be uncertain. Tech bubbles, financial crises and pandemics are themselves unusual, but significant, unexpected market disruptions from time to time are not. Having a plan to access your financial assets during such disruptions, is important.
    Creating a Liquidity Action Plan
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    Evaluating Performance: Monitoring Markets and Goals
    Evaluating the performance of a globally diversified portfolio cannot be narrowed down to the popular indices reported in the news each day. While these are important benchmarks, they do not really help an investor answer the question, “How well is my portfolio doing?” In order to answer that question, we prefer a set of comparisons.
    Evaluating Performance
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    Sustainable Funds Outperformed Peers in 2023
    Sustainable funds returned to the long-term trend of outperformance in 2023, while assets under management continued to increase. Read more with the link below.
    Sustainable Funds Outperformed Peers in 2023
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    Thinking about Time Horizons
    When discussing financial planning and investing, we often discuss time horizons. One of our primary goals in such a discussion is to match investment risk and opportunity to the time period under consideration. The further away a financial goal is, the more likely we are to encounter difficult markets and recessions along the way. The good news is that there is also more time available to catch up, if necessary.

    Here are some of the most important time horizons we tend to consider.
    Thinking about Time Horizons
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    Values Based Investing in Action
    From The Ternion Planning Team -

    In today’s world, organizations are reviewing their business plans to consider how their missions and culture align with their collective values. A question that is frequently arising is: “Should values help dictate or guide how financial reserves should be allocated?”
    Values Based Investing in Action
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    Steps to Take in a Down Market
    From The Ternion Planning Team -

    Market cycles come and go; however, downturns can feel like they last forever. As a plan sponsor and fiduciary, it is important to take appropriate action to ensure your plan is offering a diversified portfolio of investment options, you are aware of any plan allocation overweighing, and that you provide your employees education on investing through various market cycles. This can help to best position your plan and participants to take advantage of a future market recovery.
    Steps to Take in a Down Market


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Meet The Ternion Planning Team

About Ted Berry

Ted joined a Morgan Stanley predecessor firm in 1998 with the express purpose of helping his Financial Advisor team expand its association and not-for-profit practice and helping the team with planning and investing with individuals and families. His previous experience in corporate management provided him with a strategic focus that continues to inform his client interactions.

Ted realizes that the client assets he oversees are not discretionary dollars. Rather, they are essential to the financial stability businesses and families, alike. As a result, Ted goes far beyond investment management to help clients structure plans that include strategies for cash management needs, managing liabilities and seeking to build reserves.

Ted’s approach enabled his Financial Advisor team to expand its association and not-for-profit based from a handful of clients to more than 50 organizations. He takes pride in his ability to communicate effectively with committee members and clients, no matter their level of financial experience.

In addition, Ted is a Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA®) who uses Morgan Stanley’s Consulting Group research to evaluate third party management organizations for their risk-adjusted performance, style consistency and organizational strength, among other criteria. He also holds the Qualified Plan Financial Consultant (QPFC) designation.

A graduate of Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida with a degree in Marine Science, Ted started his career as a chemist in the hazardous waste industry. Later, he earned his MBA in International Finance at University of Hartford.

Ted has served as Board Secretary for the Association Foundation Group and has held a committee position with the Finance and Administration Roundtable (FAR). In addition, he has spoken at national association conferences, including the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), and written for national association media on a wide range of topics, including developing investment policies and managing financial reserves.

Outside the office, Ted coached youth sports when his now grown children were playing them. He is also a longtime Freemason. More than a decade ago, Ted became an avid dancer of Argentine tango. He dances, and occasionally teaches and performs Argentine tango. He runs a monthly milonga, which are tango dances in which attendees can dance the night away. Ted and his fellow milongueros traveled to Buenos Aires several times to improve their techniques.

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NMLS#: 1261936

About Jamal Smith

Jamal joined Morgan Stanley in 2019 as a Wealth Advisor Associate where he created financial plans for Morgan Stanley clients in the Metro DC area. After graduating the program , he started his own financial advisory practice. He joined the Ternion Planning Team at Morgan Stanley in 2023.

At the Ternion Planning Team, Jamal provides financial planning services for the team’s individual investors and their families while supporting the team’s association and non-profit practice. Jamal centers his planning work on a comprehensive goals-based wealth management process that begins with the end in mind – creating investment structures designed to get clients to their goals. Jamal also works with independent businesses to provide retirement plan services.

Jamal attended the University of Maryland where he earned dual degrees in Economics and Criminology as well as minors in both Real Estate and Entrepreneurship. He is a Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor and has also earned Morgan Stanley’s Financial Planning Specialist designation. Jamal has also been named to Morgan Stanley's prestigious Pacesetter's Club since 2024, a group of the Firm's Financial Advisors who have demonstrated high professional standards and first-class client service. Outside of work, Jamal enjoys coaching in local youth lacrosse leagues acting as both a coach and mentor to the children he interacts with.
Securities Agent: DC, AZ, HI, WA, NY, SD, RI, NJ, NH, MA, CT, VT, NC, MN, ME, KY, IN, TX, TN, OR, NV, MD, IL, CO, WI, PA, CA, SC, MO, KS, GA, DE, WV, OK, NM, VA, OH, NE, MT, MI, LA, ID, FL; General Securities Representative; Investment Advisor Representative
NMLS#: 2264050

About Susi Dimiyawa

Susi is a Registered Client Service Associate and Financial Planning Specialist for the Ternion Planning Team at Morgan Stanley. Susi brings many years of experience and a versatile skillset to client service. She is responsible for providing various forms of administrative and operational support for advisors and clients.

"The only real failure in life is not trying." This simple yet profound statement summarizes Susi’s personal and professional pursuits; displaying a strong determination to take on challenges and risks, with a firm belief that through focused efforts and persistence, positive results are inevitable.

Susi is an astute and coherent professional with a master’s degree in Law. (Not-practicing at Morgan Stanley) Over the course of her professional career, Susi has obtained numerous Google, Microsoft, PHR and HubSpot certifications to strive to provide higher standard of service. She has strong analytical, operations, case management, and interpersonal skills with attention to detail and experience in benefits management and conflict resolution.

She holds the State of Maryland Life & Health Insurance License and Associate Professional in Human Resources (aPHR). Trained in implementation of Employment Law, Equal Employee Opportunity (EEO) series, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) systems, and other classification standards. She is a Member of Bar Association, Member of Legal Aid Society, Attorney-at-Law, Company Secretary, Notary Public and Commissioner of Oaths – Ministry of Law & Justice – in Sri Lanka.

Outside of the office, Susi is an ardent foodie and is passionate about her work with focuses on her spirituality, inner guidance and healing.

The Power of Partnerships

By partnering with experienced individuals across wealth disciplines, Morgan Stanley Financial Advisors can align specialized resources with your custom needs and deliver strategic guidance through the familiarity and trust of existing relationships

About Jill Toomey

Jill Toomey, CFP® is a Vice President and Financial Planning Director serving Morgan Stanley’s Wealth Management and Private Wealth Management offices in the Washington D.C. Market. Jill is responsible for helping Financial Advisors’ clients and prospects with their financial planning needs.

Jill began her career in financial services in 2013 and joined Morgan Stanley in 2016. Prior to her current position, Jill served as a Financial Advisor and as the Southeast Region Planning Solutions Specialist covering the states of GA, FL, AL, KY, TN, and WV.

Jill received her bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of Delaware and holds her Certified Financial Planner® designation, which is the standard of excellence in financial planning. Jill currently resides in Alpharetta, GA.

About Matthew Stone

Matthew Stone is a Planning Associate at Morgan Stanley providing dedicated financial planning support to Financial Advisors and their teams. Operating as an extension of the FA/Team, he collaborates with clients to discover and define goals that matter most to them. Leveraging state of the art technology, he will evaluate various options and their potential outcomes to help clients confidently choose the appropriate course of action. Matthew provides expertise across a wide suite of Morgan Stanley planning tools designed to assist in the areas of investment accumulation, retirement, education, major purchase, cash flow, risk management, tax efficiency, and wealth transfer planning.

He earned his undergraduate degree from Wake Forest University and received the Financial Planning Specialist® designation from the College for Financial Planning. Matthew is originally from New York and currently resides in New York City, NY.
Wealth Management
From Our Team

General Election Series - September 2024

Wealth Management
Global Investment Office

Portfolio Insights


Working with you to understand your life goals and develop a personalized wealth strategy. Today and for the years to come.
  • 401(k) Rollovers
  • IRA Plans
  • Retirement income strategies
  • Retirement plan participants
  • Annuities
4 Financially Smart Ways to Take Money Out of Retirement Accounts
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4 Financially Smart Ways to Take Money Out of Retirement Accounts

Discover how planning for required minimum distributions from retirement accounts can help you fund future needs and support loved ones.


Working closely with you to guide your wealth and investments through the most challenging market cycles.
  • Asset Management
  • Wealth Planning
  • Traditional Investments
  • Alternative Investments
  • Impact Investing
2025 Global Economic Outlook: U.S. Policies May Temper Global Growth
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2025 Global Economic Outlook: U.S. Policies May Temper Global Growth

Global growth is likely to be around 3% in 2025 and 2026, as tariff and immigration policies begin to slow the U.S. economy late next year, and China's underperformance restrains emerging markets.


Creating customized financial strategies for the challenges that today’s families face.
  • Estate Planning Strategies
  • 529 Plans / Education Savings Planning
  • Long Term Care Insurance
  • Special Needs Planning
  • Trust Services
Are You Prepared for Tax Day?
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Are You Prepared for Tax Day?

The countdown to Tax Day has begun. Here are some strategies to consider as the deadline approaches.

Business Planning

Helping you on key aspects of your business such as ownership, liquidity and developing opportunities.
  • Succession Planning
  • Business Planning
  • Qualified Retirement Plans
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Financial Planning for Life After Selling a Business

Selling your business can mean big changes for your life, both personally and financially. Know how to make the most of your windfall.


Making sure your philanthropic dollars are managed with the same high quality service as the rest of your wealth.
  • Endowments
  • Foundations
  • Donor Advised Funds
  • Impact Investing
Donor Advised Funds: A Smart Way to Manage Your Giving 
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Donor Advised Funds: A Smart Way to Manage Your Giving 

There’s more to charitable giving than you may realize. Here’s one method that may be a tax-efficient way to give and can help maximize your impact.
Ready to start a conversation? Contact The Ternion Planning Team today.
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