About Ryan McGaughy
Ryan began his investment career in 1999 as a Financial Advisor with Prudential Securities in Seattle, Washington. The firm was later bought by Wachovia Bank. Soon after, in 2004, Ryan moved to Morgan Stanley in the Bellevue, Washington branch. After a year of working in this branch, his daughter Lindsay was born. It was then decided that the family would move back home to Olympia, Washington. Ryan has been working for Morgan Stanley here in Olympia since. Over this time, he has formed a team with Susan Furman. His primary responsibilities include managing client assets, maintaining client relationships, on-boarding new client relationships, and working with the other team members to provide a very comprehensive package of financial services to clients.
Ryan holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Business Administration from Central Washington University. After many years of working as a Financial Advisor, Ryan worked for a few years to become a Chartered Financial Consultant. He has since continued to maintain the ChFC with the necessary education. Further, Ryan has completed the requirements to become a Portfolio Manager.
Upon graduating from CWU in 1991, Ryan worked in the mortgage business for a few years. Ryan then made a large career shift and worked as a counselor and later, Program Manager for youth at risk in Olympia. When he felt that he had finished what was needed, Ryan made his way back to his passion and became a Financial Advisor. He has since maintained his interest in the needs of youth at risk in the community. He and his wife, Cheryl, have also served some time as Foster Parents.
Ryan has maintained a dedication to weight training and fitness his entire adult life. He has competed as a Powerlifter, and has held some Washington State records. Ryan continues to compete in races such a The Tough Mudder and other fun types of sporting events. Ryan also enjoys music and is a competent bass player. When opportunities come up to play music for events and even to just jam with friends, he will jump at the opportunity. He also enjoys spending time with friends and family on 4-wheel drive adventures in the hills in his Jeep. For relaxation, Ryan enjoys reading non-fiction, mostly on history and science-related topics. He lives with his wife, Cheryl and daughter Lindsay. Lindsay will be off to college in the Fall, attending California Polytechnic State University.
Securities Agent: FL, WA, SC, GA, AK, OR, NV, MN, AZ, HI, CA, TX; General Securities Representative; Investment Advisor Representative; Managed Futures
NMLS#: 1282384