We build customized investment portfolios. Success requires a consistent strategy based on sound analysis and a philosophy that includes no time pressures, short term benchmarks, or extreme reactions to financial markets.
It’s about knowing what you own and why you own it.
It’s about investing in a disciplined process – one that involves patience, diversification, and is designed to be adaptable as the circumstances in your life evolve.
Our process is one in which we will initially discover your objectives and risk tolerance, propose a personalized plan to accomplish your objectives, and then regularly monitor progress. We are wholly transparent in our relationships; and make each client fully aware of the income tax implications of our advice.
A financial plan is offered to everyone, and we are committed to every client achieving success. You will also have access to a Private Banker who is familiar with your family balance sheet, should you need access to financing of any type.
We provide access to an expansive suite of services to help our client's families focus on goals and objectives surrounding long-term legacy-building and the stewardship of wealth.
Private Bankers are employees of Morgan Stanley Private Bank, National Association, Member FDIC.
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC offers a wide array of brokerage and advisory services to its clients, each of which may create a different type of relationship with different obligations to you. Please visit us at https://www.morganstanley.com/wealth-relationshipwithms/pdfs/understandingyourrelationship.pdf or consult with your Financial Advisor to understand these differences.